Okie Dokie digital egg hunt

Find the egg to win free booking fee for your next service.

Welcome to the Okie Dokie Egg Hunt! To enter, you need to find the egg by playing our Egg Hunt game, which you can find by scrolling down on this page. Once you find the egg, follow these steps:

  1. Click the share button to share the egg on Facebook or LinkedIn. For Instagram, take a screenshot of the egg and post it on your profile.
  2. In your post, mention Okie Dokie and use the hashtag #okiedokieegghunt. Here’s an example post: “I found the Okie Dokie Easter egg! 🐰🥚 Book your next caregiving service with Okie Dokie and get a free booking fee. #okiedokieegghunt @okiedokiecare”
  3. Tag a person who needs caregiving services in your post. This could be a friend, family member, or anyone else who might benefit from our services.
  4. Comment on the original post announcing the egg hunt to let us know that you found the egg and shared it on social media.

Each person who finds the egg, shares it on social media, and follows all the rules will receive a waiver of the booking fee for their next service with Okie Dokie, up to a maximum value of $50. Please note that this waiver only covers the booking fee and not the entire cost of the service.

The egg hunt ends on 04/09 at 11:59pm AST. To be eligible to win, you must be at least 18 years old and reside in Puerto Rico or the United States. Only one entry per person is allowed.

Good luck, and happy hunting! 🐰🥚

You found the egg!

Share now and get your next service with no booking fee!

Click to share:

Can you find the egg?

It's hidden behind one of these bushes. You have three attempts to locate it. Good luck!

You din't find the egg?

Don't worry, you can always try again later. Keep at it, and you'll surely succeed!

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